Ashgabat Hotels
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We provide guaranteed hotel reservation of hotels in Ashgabat. Review and book your accommodation in Ashgabat hotels directly over the internet.
Ashgabat Hotels
Welcome to the website of "Hotels of Ashgabat"- www.ashgabathotels.ru !
We provide guaranteed hotel reservation of hotels in Ashgabat. Review and book your accommodation in Ashgabat hotels directly over the internet.


Ak Altyn Plaza Hotel, Ashgabat
Makhtumkuli Avenue, 141/1, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Ak-Altyn Plaza Hotel is located a few minutes' drive from the center of Ashgabat...

Grand Turkmen Hotel, Ashgabat
Gorogly Street, 50 Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
As befits a five-star Grand Turkmen Hotel, it impresses with luxury and elegance of design...

Nusay Hotel, Ashgabat
Galkynysh Street, 18b Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
The fashionable Nusai Hotel is one of the largest hotels of its class in Ashgabat...